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Ryan Pewowaruk, MS

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Ryan Pewowaruk, MS

Master's Student

I am a first year PhD student in the VTB lab. Currently, I am working on several projects related to the mechanics of the pulmonary circulation.

1. Multi-scale simulation of right ventricular (RV) contraction and flow in the pulmonary arteries. The goal of this project is to identify key factors which cause RV failure in response to pressure overload from pulmonary hypertension.

2. Branching airway simulation of negative and positive pressure ventilation. The goal of this project is to characterize flow and pressure waves for each ventilation method to better understand how positive pressure ventilation damages the airways.

3. Analysis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) hemodynamic data. The goal of this project is to determine the effectiveness of treatments for neonates with CDH.